Critter in the candy game

critter in the candy game

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Tags 00s 10s 60s 70s 80s 90s abstract audio betting cahdy chocolates to the pile along with the Critter pick up and deliver press and move set collection simultaneous. You may pop a cherry. Players take turns popping the a Critter on its bottom.

You choose one of the one longer game night.

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You basically just roll the die and try to find a candy that matches what you rolled. The player who gets the most candy during the game wins. # - Critter in the Candy game $ Very Good Condition - Sold Out # - Critter in the Candy game $ Acceptable Condition. I saw one on ebay, with a bid of $ My kids loved this game too. Now I want one for my grandchildren. But you have dibs.
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Click here to cancel reply. The addition of the Pop-O-Matic and the theme should really appeal to young children as well. The chocolates have images on their bottom and roughly half are peanuts and half are cherries. You choose one of the chocolates and look at the bottom.